Posts Tagged ‘life’

What is Life After Death?

What is Life After Death? Podcast

Life and Death – Physical and Spiritual

When Adam and Eve sinned, their carnal eyes opened. Sin had caused them to lose that spiritual bond they had with God. When they were living a spiritual life, death had no hold on them. It wasn’t until they sinned that death would come upon them.

God allows death to the flesh so man won’t live forever in the misery of sin. Would there sin cause them to lose life after death? (more…)


False Prophets – Teachers – Preachers

False Prophets Podcast

Who Are You Listening To?

There’s a lot to be said about this topic. First off, almost anyone can fall prey to these people. Jesus said in Matthew 7:15,16, ‘Beware of false prophets who come to you disguised as sheep but underneath are ravenous wolves. You will be able to tell them by their “fruits”. (If you do not know what they mean by “fruits” read Galatians 5:22). (more…)



Repentance Podcast

Jesus Can Help Bring Us To Repentance

Repentance – Feel Deep Sorrow About One’s Actions

repentance | contrite heart | u turn Feel deep sorrow about one’s actions, etc., etc. wish one had not done; resolve not to continue (a wrong doing etc.) Repentance is much more than just saying, “I’m sorry”. One needs to see how one has lived and is living their life.

We Need Jesus To Help Us Prepare Our Hearts

We have become so accustomed to living a worldly life for ourselves, that we are totally blind to what is acceptable living in the eyes of God. Carnally, it’s our nature to live a worldly life, mostly for ourselves, for the life we want, and not the life that the Lord wants us to live, the life that will prepare us for the kingdom of God. (more…)
