Posts Tagged ‘false gods’

Thou Shalt Not Have Other Gods Before Me

Thou Shalt Not Have Other Gods Before Me Podcast

The First Commandment – No Other Gods

trust god | protection enemies Exodus 20:3 ‘I am the Lord thy God and thou shalt not have other gods before me.’ Before we get into to this, there are some people out there that believe that Jesus did away with the the Old Testament laws and commandments. That is not true. (more…)


Idols Are False Gods That Could Bring Us Eternal Damnation

Idols Are False Gods Podcast

Creating False Gods

Don’t worship false gods. There is only one God that we should be praising. When we idolize people or material things than we are putting these things into our heart which in turn will anger the one true God. We are not supposed to have idols and worship or adore these things by creating false gods out of them. (more…)
