Posts Tagged ‘church’

False Prophets – Teachers – Preachers

False Prophets Podcast

Who Are You Listening To?

There’s a lot to be said about this topic. First off, almost anyone can fall prey to these people. Jesus said in Matthew 7:15,16, ‘Beware of false prophets who come to you disguised as sheep but underneath are ravenous wolves. You will be able to tell them by their “fruits”. (If you do not know what they mean by “fruits” read Galatians 5:22). (more…)


Seek The Holy Spirit for Guidance

Seek The Holy Spirit Podcast

Preachers and Teachers Need To Be Tested

“Be Careful Of The Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing”

Be very careful these days. There are a lot of nonspiritual preachers out there and ones that speak half truth. You have to remember that many, many preachers were taught by man and not by God, not by Jesus and not by the Holy Spirit.

Preachers need to be tested to see if he/she is worthy to seek spiritual advice from. It’s not enough to have credentials hanging on the wall. They need to be guided by the Holy Spirit and also Faith. One thing you might want to look at is, “What works of faith can they produce?” (more…)
