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Forgiven Us Our Sins | Forgive Them | Sinners to Repentance

Forgiven Us Our Sins | Forgive Them | Sinners to Repentance

Acknowledge Your Sins and Take an Inventory of Yourself

1John 1:9, ‘But if we acknowledge our sins, then God who is faithful and just will forgive our sins and purify us from everything that is wrong.’

When we acknowledge our sins, not only do we admit that we are a sinner, but also see the sins that we commit. Take an inventory of yourself and write down your sins. Ask Jesus to help you recognize the sins that you commit so that we can stop rebelling against God.

In James and Psalms it says, Jas. 5:15,16, ‘So confess your sins to one another.’ Psalms 32:5, ‘At last I admitted to you I had sinned; no longer concealing my guilt, I said, ‘I will go to Yahweh and confess my fault. And you, you have forgiven the wrong I did, have pardoned my sin.

Gather up your sins and write them down so that you can repent of your sins by confessing them to God and your pastor or an elder of the church. If you don’t have a church, find someone spiritual that can help you with this.

Jesus Came for the Sinners

Luke 5:32, ‘I (Jesus) have not come to call the virtuous, but sinners to repentance.’

Pray to God to bring you to repentance so that you can confess your sins to God and to another person with a contrite heart. God will forgive you of your sins.

God has Forgiven us Our Sins

Anyone that is alive and hasn’t repented of their sins and confessed that Jesus Christ is the Son of God who was born, crucified and died on the cross, was buried and resurrected and is our Savior will not see the Kingdom of God. They will die in their sins and suffer in the lake of fire for eternity.

Col. 2:13, ‘You were dead, because you were sinners and had not been circumcised: He has brought you to life with Him, He has forgiven us our sins.’

Since you did find life in Jesus Christ, by committing your life to Him and repenting of your sins, and the flesh being circumcised, striped of its worldly passions and self-indulgences, we can walk in the light of Christ. No more stumbling around in the darkness.

Romans 4:6-8, ‘And David says the same: a man is happy if God considers him righteous, irrespective of good deeds: Happy those whose crimes are forgiven, whose sins are blotted out; happy the man whom the Lord considers sinless.’

Forgiving Others of Their Wrongs Against Us

Col. 3:13, ‘Bear with one another; forgive each other as soon as a quarrel begins. The Lord has forgiven you; now you must do the same.’

Ep. 4:32, ‘Be friends with one another, and kind, forgiving each other as readily as God forgave you in Christ.’

Matt. 18:21,22, ‘Then Peter went up to Him and said, ‘Lord, how often must I forgive my brother if he wrongs me? As often as seven times?’ Jesus answered, ‘Not seven, I tell you, but seventy-seven times.’

No matter how bad the wrong that someone did against us, we must forgive them. If we don’t, we will not be forgiven of our sins and it will not go well for us when we stand before the Lord. No matter how bad the wrong that was committed against us or how many times they commit these wrong doings, we have to forgive them. God will see that justice is done.

Jesus was a fine example of how much He loved His enemies and how He practiced forgiveness. After all the beatings, the scouraging, the mockery, the humiliation, betrayal and rejection He went through before He died on the cross, He still had enough love to forgive them all. It is noted in Luke 23:34, ‘Jesus said, ‘Father, forgive them; they do not know what they are doing.’

Blasphemy Against the Holy Spirit Will Not Be Forgiven

Matt. 12:31,32, ‘And so I tell you, every one of men’s sins and blasphemies will be forgiven, but blasphemy against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven. And anyone who says a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven; but let anyone speak against the Holy Spirit and he will not be forgiven either in this world or in the next.’

God Will Never Forget You

Is. 49:15, ‘Does a woman forget her baby at the breast, or fail to cherish the son of her womb? Yet even if these forget, I (God) will never forget you.

No matter how hard times may get or how tests and trials may seem to never end, God will never forget you. At times, it may seem like He isn’t listening to you or that He abandoned you, but that is not so.

God tells us to be patient and just like He says in scripture, ‘I (God) will never forget you.’ What a beautiful thing to say to someone.

May God Bless You with Love and Grace

Be Repentant of Your Sins


Sin is Disobedience to God, His Law and His Commandments

Sin is Disobedience to God, His Law and His Commandments

What is Sin?

Sin is Disobedience | Hell | Lake of Fire

Sin can be complex and confusing. There are such a multitude of sins that can cause different consequences to us when they are committed. Sometimes, we don’t even see the consequences of sin because they may happen to us later on when the time is right. We don’t recognize that the bad thing that happened is the result of a sin we committed in the past. This is one of the reasons why we need to learn about sin. (more…)


Sinners Prayer | Repent for Real? | Ready For Jesus?

Did You Repent for Real or Use the Sinners Prayer?

The “Sinners Prayer”

sinners prayer-repent for real-ready for jesus

The sinners prayer is often said when someone (usually for the first time) recognizes that they are a sinner in need of salvation and want to turn their life around. They pray for help to God and they confess to Him that they are a sinner.

They ask God to come into their life and by faith, (more…)


True Repentance – Be Repentant of Your Sins

True Repentance – Be Repentant of Your Sins

Repent: Express or feel sincere remorse about one’s sin. Repentance: Remorse or contrition for past conduct or sin.

What is Sin?

Repentant of Your Sins

Before you can be repentant of your sins, you need to know what sin is. Sin is an immoral act, thought, words and others that go against the law of God. For instance, breaking any of the 10 commandments.

Sin can also be – Gal. 5:19,20 “When self-indulgence is at work the results are obvious: (more…)


What is the Branding Mark of the Beast?

What is the Mark of the Beast Podcast

branding mark of the beast Satan

About The Mark Of The Beast

There many ideas out there of what may be the mark of the beast. Some believe that it may be a microchip planted in your right hand or forehead. Others believe it may be your social security number or a barcode tattooed on your right hand or forehead.

There also may be a specific tattoo offered by the beast or Satan that a person will have to have inked on to their right hand or forehead. Whatever the case may be, it should be a visible mark in order to identify those that are allowed to buy and sell and also those who worship the beast. (more…)


The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil and The Tree of Life

The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil and The Tree of Life Podcast

tree knowledge good evil life

The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil and The Tree of Life

In the Garden of Eden where God had placed man, who was known as Adam and Eve were two specific trees. One was called the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil and the other was called the Tree of Life.

God had told Adam that he could eat the fruit from any tree in the Garden of Eden. But, do not eat the fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. He told him that the day he eats the fruit from this tree that he would most surely die (Genesis 1:16,17). (more…)


What is Truth?

What Is Truth? Podcast

What is Truth | Kingdom of God | Good News

Questions About Truth

What is truth? How do we find it? Where does it come from? How will I know if it is truth when I think that I have found it? or, When it is revealed to me? There are a lot of questions that can be asked about what is real truth.

The first thing we must do is to research what it is that we are questioning. Sometimes this may take days, months and even years to find the truth, but we can find answers if we are willing to work for them. (more…)


God’s Seal or The Mark of the Beast?

God’s Seal or The Mark of the Beast Podcast

God’s Seal Identifies His Servants

God's seal | mark of the beast | tribulation period

Your Choice

God’s seal is an important part of being identified as one of His own servants, because for one, those that have His seal will be protected, especially in the end times that are coming soon. Without it, there will be great suffering. (more…)


The United States Needs God More Than Ever

The United States Needs God More Than Ever Podcast

Isn’t There Enough Hatred?

love one another | stamp out hate President Obama gave a speech on two topics recently. One was about him and Biden boycotting colleges that don’t take sexual assaults seriously by investigating them properly. Next was the speech about the two black men that were killed by police officers and also about the Dallas sniper attacks on the police officers there.

According to the comments that were posted at the bottom of the articles on President Obama’s speeches, there are alot of hateful posts. I agree that President Obama and the administration in Washington is not the best we have ever had, but who put these people there? (more…)


The United States In Prophecy

The United States In Prophecy Podcast

This Country Is Ruled By Satan

united states famous prostitute revelationIran calls the United States “The Great Satan”. Can you blame them? Can you blame them for wanting to see this country destroyed? I know Iran has many of its own problems as being the leading sponsor of terrorist activity, but this goes to show you how much the sin of this country has such a major influence on the world as a whole. (more…)


In The Days Of Noah and Sodom

Noah’s Day and Sodom Podcast

Noah’s Day and Sodom

Noah's Day | Days of Noah | Sodom Luke 17:26 – 30, ‘As it was in Noah’s day, so will it also be in the days of the Son of Man. People were eating and drinking, marrying wives and husbands, right up to the day Noah went into the ark, and the Flood came and destroyed them all.

It will be the same as it was in Lot’s day: people were eating and drinking, buying and selling, planting and building, but the day Lot left Sodom, God rained fire and brimstone from heaven and it destroyed them all. It will be the same when the day comes for the Son of Man to be revealed.’ (more…)


Our Father Who Art In Heaven

Our Father Who Art In Heaven Podcast

Our Father

our father who art in heaven | lord's prayer Our Father, the one true God who is our spiritual Father and creator of all. He is the Great I AM… He is the only God who cannot have a limit placed on Him. Although, people are constantly doing so by bringing Him down to our level.

All glory belongs to God. We seem to forget that God has created us and blessed us with life. All knowledge and wisdom comes from God. We need to be grateful to Him for all of our achievements. We should also be grateful for our sufferings as well as our happiness and prosperity. (more…)


Thou Shalt Not Have Other Gods Before Me

Thou Shalt Not Have Other Gods Before Me Podcast

The First Commandment – No Other Gods

trust god | protection enemies Exodus 20:3 ‘I am the Lord thy God and thou shalt not have other gods before me.’ Before we get into to this, there are some people out there that believe that Jesus did away with the the Old Testament laws and commandments. That is not true. (more…)


Boasting is Nothing More Than Vain Glory

Boasting is Nothing More Than Vain Glory Podcast

Humility Will Follow After Those That Exalt Themselves

Matthew 23:12, ‘Anyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and anyone who humbles himself will be exalted.’

There is a lot to be said about pride and humility. Exalting oneself comes from pride and someone that is humble will never think of them self to be better than anyone. (more…)


Avoiding Burnout For Substance Abuse Counselors

Avoiding Burnout For Substance Abuse Counselors Podcast

Warning Sign | Burnout | Substance Abuse Counselor

Watching For Signs of Burnout

Burnout could happen to any type of counselor, therapist, social worker or anyone that has to deal with people that have problems that effect them or others physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

We are going to cover what a substance abuse counselor is faced with and the things that could cause them to burnout. We will cover ways to avoid a burnout and recover from one.

A substance abuse counselor should face the fact that they are going to be dealing with clients who have been through some hard times. They are going to have to listen to everything that the clients have been through and at times, it will be heart-wrenching. (more…)
